Elevate Your Home's Appearance With a Beautiful Shake Roof

Turn to us for shake roof installation services in the Jackson & Hoback, WY area

Shake roofs were originally constructed with wooden shingles that were made by splitting logs. Shake roof installations still involve using wood, but you can also select synthetic shake shingles to give your home a rustic and unique look. B.P. Sunshine Roofers provides wood and synthetic shake roof services in the Jackson & Hoback, WY area. Our shake roof installations come with a 30-year warranty, and the shingles can also be fire-treated.

Call 307-690-6481 or 307-680-7289 today to schedule your appointment.

Benefits of shake roof shingles

Along with giving your home a rustic look, shake shingles can also be recycled into mulch and wood chips. Additionally, a shake roof can:

  • Lower your energy costs
  • Provide superior insulation
  • Stand up well to harsh elements

Shake roofs are also extremely durable and long-lasting. After we discuss the materials you'd like to use, we'll come out to measure your roof and give you a free estimate. We only require half of the payment upfront, which is used to purchase the materials. Reach out to us now for more information about our synthetic shake roof services.